Receive a PRODUCER credit in the opening title sequence of the film, and have your name listed as an Producer on the film's IMDb page and on the official movie poster. You'll also receive one limited-edition t-shirt from your choice of artist. Other perks, including a private pre-screening at the Director’s home will be scheduled at a later date.
Receive a PRODUCER credit in the opening title sequence of the film, and have your name listed as an Producer on the film's IMDb page and on the official movie poster. You'll also receive one limited-edition t-shirt from your choice of artist. Other perks, including a private pre-screening at the Director’s home will be scheduled at a later date.
Receive a PRODUCER credit in the opening title sequence of the film, and have your name listed as an Producer on the film's IMDb page and on the official movie poster. You'll also receive one limited-edition t-shirt from your choice of artist. Other perks, including a private pre-screening at the Director’s home will be scheduled at a later date.
You’ll receive the following:
Postcard in the Mail
Your name in the credits
Access to an Early Director’s Cut Screening
Production Meeting on Zoom
1 Limited-Edition Artist's T-Shirt
IMDb credit as “Producer”
Your name on the official poster + a signed copy of the full-size poster after the film’s premiere
And more…